Marcom Sharetea Marcom Sharetea

Brulee Bubble Tea to Start the New Tiger Year

We have Brulee Tiger Fresh Milk with Pearl celebrating the year of Tiger, and our Brulee Strawberry Fresh Milk for all the berry lovers. The drinks are topped with our sweet delicate rich cream and smokey caramelized brown sugar. It’s a must try!

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Marcom Sharetea Marcom Sharetea

Frozen Blizz to Get the Cuteness On

We know how much you like puppies, so we thought we'd name some drinks after some of your favorites!

Visit your local Sharetea to try our Frozen Bliss specials. Here are the delicious flavors:

German Shepherd: Green tea and Grapefruit Jam including Lychee Jelly, Aloe Vera, Aiyu Jelly, and Mini Pearl toppings!

Golden retriever: Made with a choice of either Oolong, Green, or Black tea. Toppings included are Mini pearls, Big Pearls, Pudding, Herb Jelly, and Lychee Jelly.

Husky: Includes Herb Jelly, Pudding, Big Pearls, and Mini Pearls. It's made with fresh milk and blended with a delicious Red Bean which gives it a rich flavor!

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