What is Crystal Boba?

What is crystal boba? It’s a variation on the classic, chewy tapioca pearl you know and love, with a bit of a jelly-like quality to it. While traditional boba pearls are made from tapioca and then boiled until soft, crystal boba comes from an entirely different plant altogether. It’s also more translucent, softer, and completely vegetarian. For more information on crystal boba, we invite you to read the rest of the article below! 

Crystal Boba: What Is It and Where Does It Come From?

Crystal boba most commonly finds its usage as a boba tea topping, much like its cousin, the standard boba (or tapioca) pearl. The primary difference in these types of boba lies in the plant used to create the ingredient. 

So, what is crystal boba made of? While tapioca pearls come from the cassava plant native to the Americas, crystal boba is obtained from konjac, which grows in Southeast Asia. During processing, the root of said plant is powdered, and due to its naturally high starch content, it gelatinizes very easily, eventually yielding delicious, chewy, and translucent crystal boba pearls.

Additionally, konjac powder isn’t the only way to obtain crystal boba. Agar powder can be used as an equally fitting substitute at home to produce very similar results for homemade crystal boba tea.

what is crystal boba

How Does Crystal Boba Taste in a Drink?

Despite being sourced from a different plant, crystal boba still finds its place as a boba tea topping – and a delicious one at that! Crystal boba still offers that signature boba chew, though it’s a little more timid and soft in comparison. 

When it comes to taste, crystal boba can add a subtle touch of sweetness to any drink, which makes it a perfect topping in zesty, tangy beverages. In particular, it matches perfectly well with lemon-based drinks, a prime example of which are drinks from our newly introduced Honey Lemonade Series. These come in three intoxicatingly lovely flavor combinations:

No matter which one you choose, you’re bound to find each of them delightfully tasty and refreshing on their own. The addition of crystal boba is just the cherry on top, imbuing these concoctions with a light and soft jelly-like chew to round out these delicious summary sippers!

Where to Try Out Crystal Boba in a Drink?

If these descriptions have piqued your crystal boba curiosity, you’re in for a treat. Sharetea offers crystal boba alongside a selection of other delicious toppings, meaning you can mix and match them however you like in the drinks of your choice! 

Our dedicated team will always be happy to help, either by recommending you the newest boba craze, or indulging your creativity. Simply visit one of our boba tea stores and experiment away!

The Takeaway

We hope we’ve excited you to try out crystal boba in your favorite drinks! Whether it's the Honey Lemonade Series or any other items from our selection, crystal boba can easily add a playful twist to these already yummy beverages. It’s definitely worth a try!

You may also read: Popping boba: A New, Fun, and Flavorful Topping


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