Grapefruit Lemonade - The Perfect Refreshment for Summer

Are you ready to welcome the Grapefruit Lemonade, the brand new addition to the Sharetea family? We’re happy to announce we recently launched a new series of drinks – the Honey Lemonade Series, available in three flavors: pink grapefruit, tropical pineapple, and juicy orange! Just like the other two propositions, the Pink Grapefruit Lemonade comes with our favorite topping of crystal boba to create a sweet, citrusy, and satisfyingly bitter perfection of flavors in a cup!

Surprise Your Taste Buds with Our Grapefruit Lemonade

Just recently, we launched our brand new series of yummy drinks for the upcoming summer! The Honey Lemonade Series quenches thirst and sends taste buds to cloud nine singing in bliss. With a refreshing combination of sweet and sour, plus a little extra, depending on the exact fruit flavor of your choosing, this quintessential goodness-in-a-cup might just become your non-alcoholic drink of choice for this year’s summer!

By far, the most inconspicuous yet potentially surprising one from this bunch is the pink grapefruit lemonade. This yummy, refreshing proposition takes you and your taste buds on an exciting ride through almost the entire spectrum of flavors, all expressed in just one drink. 

Enjoying the rich sweetness of honey meshing with the tart lemon, all against the backdrop of the slightly bitter pink grapefruit offers a unique experience bound to leave a lasting impression!

What Toppings Go Best with the Grapefruit Lemonade?

In our quest to design perfect drinks that combine flavors and textures for our customers, we always try to suggest the best topping. In this case, we decided to serve the grapefruit lemonade with a crystal boba topping.

How is it different from traditional boba? In contrast to regular tapioca pearls, crystal boba has a softer, more jelly-like consistency. It perfectly complements the rest of the drink composition to create a harmonious balance of flavor and mouthfeel.

But boba drinks are and always have been about fun! That’s why, when enjoying your grapefruit lemonade, you don’t have to stick to the usual stuff every time. A little frivolous experimentation can lead you to discover new and interesting combinations.

If you’re looking for inspiration, why not order a grapefruit honey lemonade with some of these toppings during your next visit:

  • Herb jelly

  • Aloe vera

  • Creama

  • Standard boba pearls

All four of these topping suggestions should provide you with something noticeably different from crystal boba. Try them out for an even more unique experience for your taste buds!

Where to Get This Refreshing Tropical Goodness?

Got a hankering for some pink grapefruit lemonade? With temperatures going up and up, that’s no wonder! Check out the Sharetea store locator to find our nearest establishment and head on over. With us, you won’t stay thirsty for long!

The Takeaway

Excited to try our grapefruit lemonade this summer? We hope so! This drink works exceptionally well as a cooling refreshment to cool yourself down in the hot weather and slake your thirst. Plus, its harmonious balance of flavors is bound to hit right for even the most finicky palates!

You may also read: A Tropical Burst of Pineapple Lemonade


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